Thursday, January 31, 2008

Some Questions I Decided to Ask Myself

What kind of chip are you eating right now?

I am eating Terra exotic vegetable chips in the origional flavour (that's canada's "flavour").

What is your favortie song in the whole world right now?

"Love Song" by Sarah Bareilles
Oh My Goodness it's so good!
Here it is on youtube.

What item is most pressing on your "To Do..." list right now?

Changing the car title for my car into the DMV or somewhere cuz this lady is under orders to call me every 3 days until I do this cuz I was supposed to do it like 6 months ago but I didn't and I'm still really confused about what I'm supposed to do and I think I lost the title anyway and it kind of feels like it's the IRS breathing down my throat or someone scary like that and I'm hoping the whole thing will just go away soon like the speeding ticket in Canada did.

What is you second favorite song right now, if you had to choose?

"Almost Lover" by A Fine Frenzy
This one is good too!
Here it is on youtube.

What is your current annoyance?

Having lots of things I really want to do this weekend and knowing I wont get to do them all.

What song comes to mind first when I ask you to think of a song that you really liked when it came out but don't listen to at all anymore and could really use listening to it right now?

"Hero" by Enrique Iglesias
God, I loved that song!
Here it is on youtube.

What would make your day if you could have something fairly reasonable happen right now?

It would be really really cool if my roommates and Doug and Mike showed up at my office right now and Brian too and we played Scattergories. I even have it here, so it's pretty reasonable!


KJW said...

You can ignore Canadian speeding tickets, because you'll never need to go in THAT country again. Except for the Olympics. Ohhhh, that sucks. Turn yourself in.

My original point was, though, that even though Canada is useless, it would be such a hassle to be a felon in your own country. Trust me.

Unknown said...

I don't disagree with that, but I'm not going to be a felon, I'm just failing to turn in the title to my car, I'm sure it's like no big deal
