Tuesday, February 26, 2008

best life of my life

Friday was the best day of my life

i woke up early, the sun was out, i skipped my classes, i felt good, and by 10:45 i knew, it would be the best day of my life (thus far, obviously)

i said, "today is going to be the best day of my life, i'm excited, i haven't had a best day of my life in a while"

and it was, i had great sex in my office, ate an amazing lunch, walked on the beach, finished heroes (twice)

it was good (as in, best)

but then saturday came, and saturday was good too

and then sunday

and THEN we got a piano!!!!!!!!

that did it, it turned into the best weekend of my life

i don't know if i've ever even identified a best weekend of my life

by monday morning, when i got the good news, i said, "fuck it, best life of my life!"

the good news being that my professor, who LOST (!!!!) a huge assignment of mine which incidentally i did not save and was expecting me to completely do it over had emailed me to say she found it, and i did not have to re-do it after all (with no apology)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

probably actually one of the scariest moments of my life

so tonight i decided to pull a much needed all-nighter in my office at school to prepare for the two midterms i have tomorrow and write the paper i have due tomorrow

however, i didn't make it past 2:45 AM

things had been going well early on, there was a girl in the office next door to mine doing homework until midnight and even after she left i played music loud and finished almost two of my tasks, oblivious to my horror movie like surroundings

but, at around 2 AM i used the bathroom and started to work on my third assignment when i became acutely aware of the creepiness of it all

you see, the building closes at 11 PM, but nobody cares if you stay in after they lock it up. and, yeah, there are janitors in the building all night (i think) but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be extremely easy for some serial killer to hide out in a bathroom or corner, getting ready to strike

so, now i'm trying to focus on school work, but pausing my music at every small sound to listen really really hard for the culprit

eventually, at just about 2:35 AM, i hear keys

i pause my music and the keys get closer and closer and closer

until...the creepster turns into my office and asks where "dan" is.

i'm on my guard, "Um, I don't know who Dan is", reaching around below the desk for any weapon available

"Oh, you don't know Dan" Creepy looks around, looms over my desk, looks around some more

Explain Yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think

"Is he a building manager?" i ask

"....no...." looks around, looms, looks

"Does he work here in the building?"


Explain Yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who are you? Why are you here? i think

"...ok, see you later..." looks, looms, leaves


so, now i'm basically a sitting duck, waiting for him to gather his creepster gang and do with me what they will

but i can't just get up and leave right away, can i?

i wait maybe 2 minutes, consider closing my door and baracading myself behind the desk, but i realize that would make for the most unenjoyable night of my life, no sleep, and constant replays in my head of my certain death

so i leave, my keys in my hand ready to strike, imagining a chase scene in the VU the whole way, but no sight of the creepster

and, yes, i'm alive, a bit dramatic maybe, and certainly a fraidy-cat

Monday, February 11, 2008

My first valentines day gift of the year

which is cool because i usually get zero!

Today I got a package from my Grandparents consisting of

-lots of homemade cookies and chocolate and toffee
-3 jars of amazing raspberry jam
-one maruchan instant lunch
-one can of fancy whole smoked clams
-3 bags of unpopped orville redenbacher's gourmet popping corn
-10 sticks of wrigley's spearmint gum
-one tin of lightly smoked fillets of herring
-4 dried apricots and 6 prunes
-2 red construction paper hearts (one of them saying, "Will You Be Mine?")
-2 elementary school style valentines day cards

My grandparents are so cute

Sunday, February 10, 2008

a date that was blind

sorry (kelly) that my date went so long that i didn't get a chance to blog about it until now

well, i went on a date that was blind, for the first time in my life, and yes i was nervous and yes i was excited and yes it went very well

joel, the blind guy, was very nice and funny and fun and up for anything which is great

the date consisted of wasabi, the upfront theater, and spaceband at the fairhaven

then a little heroes at my house, separate beds, and the bagelry

interestingly, each of my roommates had a date last night, and both courtney's and mine were blind

courtney and greg, her blind guy, ended up with us at the upfront theater which was fun, we all sat together in our blind date awkward way (not that awkward actually)

but the really really funny part is that the next morning, at the bagelry, joel and i ran into greg getting breakfast, and believe me, that was much more awkward than the night before had been

all in all, i'm now a big fan of blind dates

but don't be setting me up on any too fast, cuz hopefully i'll be seeing joel again soon

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


And i wrote my first haiku yesterday.

I don't ever write poetry.

we fucked, you gave up
you are such a stupid fuck
your loss anyway

Where have I been?

The next few weeks will be very telling. The experiment will test my will power, self-worth, and determination. It will also be beneficial in preventing the tendency to engage in unhealthy behavior.

I'll not go into detail about what exactly I'm doing, but it started on February 2nd and will cease on the 23rd. Wish me luck.

Did a scavenger hunt this weekend, we gave up about 3/4 of the way through it, which is a little rediculous. But the experience was definately fun and we got some good pictures.

Happy Birthday to my mom as of the 1st!

Passed my Ancient Philosophy midterm (i think) today. Good for me.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Winter Quarter is the best because...

Teachers get sick all the time and cancel class!!!

I have a 4 day weekend!

I'm probably going to get the bubonic plague for being happy about this, huh?

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Just so you know...

I love this picture

Some Questions I Decided to Ask Myself

What kind of chip are you eating right now?

I am eating Terra exotic vegetable chips in the origional flavour (that's canada's "flavour").

What is your favortie song in the whole world right now?

"Love Song" by Sarah Bareilles
Oh My Goodness it's so good!
Here it is on youtube.

What item is most pressing on your "To Do..." list right now?

Changing the car title for my car into the DMV or somewhere cuz this lady is under orders to call me every 3 days until I do this cuz I was supposed to do it like 6 months ago but I didn't and I'm still really confused about what I'm supposed to do and I think I lost the title anyway and it kind of feels like it's the IRS breathing down my throat or someone scary like that and I'm hoping the whole thing will just go away soon like the speeding ticket in Canada did.

What is you second favorite song right now, if you had to choose?

"Almost Lover" by A Fine Frenzy
This one is good too!
Here it is on youtube.

What is your current annoyance?

Having lots of things I really want to do this weekend and knowing I wont get to do them all.

What song comes to mind first when I ask you to think of a song that you really liked when it came out but don't listen to at all anymore and could really use listening to it right now?

"Hero" by Enrique Iglesias
God, I loved that song!
Here it is on youtube.

What would make your day if you could have something fairly reasonable happen right now?

It would be really really cool if my roommates and Doug and Mike showed up at my office right now and Brian too and we played Scattergories. I even have it here, so it's pretty reasonable!
The hair dye didn't work...and that sucks. It was a whole 6 dollars and about an hours worth of time...down the drain...literally...haha, at least I got that great joke out of it!

Plus, my hair is really soft as it always is after hair dye...

See! There really is always a bright side!

Anywho, my only class tomorrow is cancelled and that's so great! I'm gonna be super duper productive tomorrow and also relax a bit, and it's just amazing that I'm going to be able to do both of those things in one day!

I am currently these things;

-listening to one of my favorite mixes ever
-looking for someone to set me up on a blind date
-reading the book; "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl"
-drinking water
-a bit stoned :)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


i think i'll dye my hair

maybe i'll start with temp and go perm when i have the money

picture coming soon

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Chapstick Lovers

Carmex now comes in a stick. And I, for one, will never ever buy another brand again.

It's incredible.

I'm still figuring this blog stuff out

Today I attempted to blog about a Nipple Survey that the Better Lovers and I conducted on Saturday, and it didn't work.

I needed to make a chart of some sort and every single thing I tried did not work. You can't make charts inside blogger cuz the spacing doesn't stick, you can't import word documents, even after you convert them to PDF's, you can't import JPEG's cuz they turn out super tiny, and when you try and make them bigger, they get smaller! However, I did post the chart, all in it's minuscule glory.

I did want to give out two awards for the Survey though;

Best Participant Question:

What class is this for?

And, we answered, "Liberal Studies 231" (Which is a class that I've taken, and hated)

Best Sportsmanship:

Marcus "Big, Medium, Small...Gotta love 'em all!" from Pizza Hut

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Papers and stuff

So I just found out that there is a response paper due tomorrow in one of my classes. It's worth 15% of my grade. And, for some reason I'm blogging about it.

I am currently these things;

-a bit stoned
-awake (not tired)
-loving freerice.com
-excited about a possible video game better than puzzle fighter
-drinking tea
-pumped that students are actually starting to use the resources of the Drug Info Center
-nervous about her first blind date ever (more on this later)

PDF, JPEG, Nightmare

Friday, January 25, 2008

Did I insult a 9-year-old?

Today in Fred Meyer, as I was walking away from the checkout stand, I was putting my change in my wallet and every coin I had (probably 2 dollars worth) fell out and scattered around me. It was quite embarassing. But, this young boy was walking by at the moment and litterally scurried around picking up every one. I barely had time to grab a dime before he had all of my change. He wasn't trying to steal it, he was just a wonderfully gentlemenly and fast 9-year-old. So, when he was handing it to me, I felt the need to thank him, and I decided to offer him a quarter for helping me. But I fear that I offended him. He refused it at first, but I was so insistent that he eventually took it.

Would it be conceivable that he was offended, or was he just very humble and polite?